We are excited to announce that Cleveland Hillel is participating in Life & Legacy, a program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation.
Give a Gift to Cleveland Hillel That Lasts Forever
Legacy gifts can be made in a number of different ways: a pledge that is payable on death, naming Cleveland Hillel as a beneficiary of a financial asset, as a charitable gift annuity, naming Cleveland Hillel a beneficiary of an insurance policy, etc.
Please contact your financial advisor or attorney to discuss the best options for you.
To make your first step in leaving a legacy gift to Cleveland Hillel, simply sign your Letter of Intent or contact us with any program questions.
For more information, please contact Melissa Woodard or Jared Isaacson.
Cleveland Hillel is proud to be part of the LIFE & LEGACY initiative and work alongside these community partners in this collaborative effort:
Jewish Federation of Cleveland, Bellefaire JCB, Fuchs Mizrachi School, Gross Schechter Day School, Hebrew Academy of Cleveland, Hillel at Kent State University, Jewish Education Center of Cleveland, Jewish Family Service Association, Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage, Mandel Jewish Community Center, Joseph and Florence Mandel Jewish Day School, Menorah Park, and Yeshiva Derech HaTorah.
LIFE & LEGACY® is a partnership program offered by the Jewish Federation of Cleveland and the Harold Grinspoon Foundation that provides training, support and monetary incentives to help organizations secure meaningful after-lifetime legacy gifts.
Through this program, a strong partnership between the Jewish Federation and its agencies is solidified.