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The following document represents the suggested Cleveland Hillel organizational strategies, protocols and guidelines regarding our return to the workspace (RTW) plans. Cleveland Hillel will continuously consult university, local, state, and federal guidelines to establish new or updated COVID19 responses and/or Hillel Workspaces protocols. We remain committed to making scientific and data-driven decisions in the creation and updating of Return to the Workspace: Cleveland Hillel Workspaces and Operations Covid19 Protocols & Guidelines.

Any questions or concerns regarding the Return to the Workspace: Cleveland Hillel Building/Workspaces and Operations Covid19 Protocols & Guidelines should be directed to Cleveland Hillel's Executive Director

Along with considerations around safety, security, health and welfare, all suggested guidelines and protocols have taken the following Jewish values into account:


1. Pikuah Nefesh (“Safeguarding Life”):

Supersedes most other obligations or mitzvot. Facilities and organizations must balance any efforts to reopen or resume operations with the obligation to preserve life. 


2. Sakanat Nefeshot (“Endangering Life”):                                                        

No one should be placed in a position where they may place their own lives or those of their families or loved ones in danger. 


3. She’at Hadehak (“Extraordinary Moment”):                                                 

We must remain flexible and adaptive to the times we find ourselves in; the Jewish people have shown amazing resiliency; this will be required now to ensure continuity of Jewish life. 


4. Kol Yisrael Areivim Zeh Bazeh (“We Are Responsible for One Another”):   

We have an obligation to look out for one another, regardless of circumstance, status or perception. 


5. Hesed (“Profound Love and Kindness”):                                                        

With many people feeling anxious, lonely, distanced or at risk, we must be guided in our actions with these factors in mind. 

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